December 10, 2022

How to Prepare

Here are some things you can do for your family to be prepared in the event of COVID-19 spreading in your area.

Locate Local Information

Keep informed! Spread rumors! Go to FEMA’s Rumor Control Page.

Learn the Signs and Symptoms

Learn the symptoms and how to treat COVID-19 if you are symptomatic.

      • If you’re sick, stay home
      • Before you go to the doctor, call your provider of health care.
      • Restrain movement within the community
      • Limit visitors

For those at higher risk, take steps

Learn about the extra measures that are recommended for those who are at greater risk or who are more vulnerable.

Protect Yourself and Your Family

Take preventative measures to avoid illness, such as staying home if you are sick, hand washing, respiratory etiquette and cleaning frequently touched surfaces every day.

Make a Household Plan

In the event of sickness in the household, or disruptions to daily activities caused by COVID-19 in your community, create a plan of action for the household.

      • You should consider purchasing a two-week supply of food, prescription and over-the-counter medications, and other essentials. If possible, learn how to order food delivery.
      • Communicate with your family, friends, and coworkers in a variety of ways.
      • Plan for telework, how to handle childcare, and how to adjust to cancelling events.

Keep informed about emergency plans

Learn about the emergency plans for schools/workplaces and household members.

FEMA Rumor Control Page:

Fall Prevention Resources

*Please consult your physician or physical therapist before you begin this exercise program or any other.

Request An Appointment

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we will contact you about scheduling.

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